General medicine long case history

 July 31st 2022

       Final practical examination (long case)

July 31st 2022

This is online E log book to discuss our patients de- identified health data shared after taking his or her guardian's signed informed consent hear we discuss our individual patients problems through a series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflex my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."

A 67 year old man who is daily wage worker by occupation presented our opd with the cheif complaint of shortness of breath since 1 week

Swelling in the legs since 4days 

Cough associated with expectoration  since 4days 

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomtic 1week back 

Then he suddenly developed shortness of breath and wheeze

He also complains of cough associated with expectoration 

He also complains of orthopnea and nocturnal dypnea

He has sweating and palpations

He also has pitting edema

No h/o of fever,chest pain 

Patients daily routine:

Patient wakes up around  4 in the morning and he goes to work , around 11 O clock he returns his home and he will take bath and haves his meals at 12 O clock without any breakfast in the morning, and he willtake a nap, around 3 O clock again he goes to his work and returns his home and have  dinner at 10pm and goes to bed.

Past history :

He is known case of tuberculosis since 20years and used ATT for it 

No h/o of hypertension 

No h/o of diabetes 

No h/o jaundice

No h/o of epilepsy 

No h/o of asthma

No h/o of similar complaints in the family 

No h/o of any previous surgeries or blood transfusions

Personal history :




Bowel and bladder-regular 

Addictions:He is chronic smoker since 18years 2packets/2days 

Patient also has a habit of alcohol consumption 3-4times/week and consumes 180-360ml

Family history:

No relevant family history 

Drug history :

No allergy to known drugs 

General examination:

Patient of coherent,cooperative and conscious 

Clubbing is seen 

No Icterus 

No lymphadenopathy  

No pallor 

No cyanosis 

Vitals :



Pulse rate -98beats/min

Respiratory rate -26cycles/min

Systemic examination:

CVS:s1&s2 are heard 

bilaterally symmetrical chest wall

no thrills and murmurs heard.

Respiratory system: bilateral air entry present 

wheeze is present 

position of trachea central.

CNS: patient is conscious and coherent.

Abdomen: distended


Provisional diagnosis:

cor pulmonale, copd, with history of TB.


Inj. Lasix 40 mg IV /BD.
Fluid restriction <1.5L/ day
Salt restriction:<2g/ day.
NEB : duolin, budecort 6th hourly.
Inj. Augmentin 1.2 gm/IV/BD.
Inj. Pan 40mg IV/OD.
Inj. Thiamine 1 amp in 100ml NS /IV/TID.
BP/PR/RR/TEMP charting 4th 


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