General medicine case history-3


This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs

Date of admission : 29/12/2021
A 53 years old female patient presented to opd with chief complaints of SOB from 3days and decreased
Urinary output.

History of present illness  :

Patient complaints of productive cough - copious amount of expectoration associated with postural variation more during sleep. 
Daily routine of a patient :
Patient wakes up at 6:30 /7 am in the morning takes her breakfast between 9:30 - 11 am and takes her dinner by  8 pm, go to bed by 9pm.

History of past illness : 

K/c/o of hypertension since 6 years 

No h/o diabetes 

No h/o epilepsy 

No h/o lymphadenopathy 

No h/o asthma 

No h/o tb

Personal History :

Appetite : Normal

Diet : Eggtarian

Bowel : regular 

Bladder : regular 

Sleep : Adequate 

No addiction


amily history :

No similar complaints in the family. 

Drug history :

No allergy to known drugs 

General examination:

Patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative. 

No Pallor

No cyanosis 

No lymphadenopathy 

No clubbing 

No icterus 

No edema

No tremors 

Vitals : 

Temperature : 98°F

Pulse rate : 86 bpm

BP : 150/90

Respiratory rate : 18 cpm

Systemic examination :


S1 and S2 sounds are heard 

Respiratory system 

No dysponea 

Position of trachea central .


Soft and non tender  


Patient is conscious 

Speech is normal 

Special investigations  :

                   Complete blood picture 

Serum iron                     

Renal functional test           

Liver functional test                    


CKD on MHD associated with anemia         

Treatment  :
Fluid restriction <1lit/day
Salt restriction <2.4gm/day
Tab lasix 40 mg /po/BD
Tab Nicardia 10mg
Tab Orofer-Xt  po/BD
Tab Nodosin 500mg po/BD
Tab Shelcal-XT po/ OD


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